Do you have questions about our services? Be sure to read through our FAQs below!

1. How big of a tree can your machines take down/mulch up?
2. How many acres can a forestry mulcher cover in a day?
3. Do forestry mulchers leave stumps?
4. Is a forestry mulcher the fastest way to clean up underbrush?
5. How wet of an area can you forestry mulch in?
6. What are the benefits of forestry mulching?

1. How big of a tree can your machines take down/mulch up?

Our machines stay highly productive if a tree is 12” and under, however there is no limit! Our machines are designed to chew through wood no matter the size. If it fits in the 6’ head, we can mulch it up.

2. How many acres can a forestry mulcher cover in a day?

Productivity depends on the thickness of the forest and underbrush, as well as the skill of an operator. Our highly-skilled professionals can usually clean up 1 to 3 acres of land in an 8 hour day.

3. Do forestry mulchers leave stumps?

When forestry mulchers are operated with knives, it will cut everything flush with the ground (if ground is somewhat level).
If mulchers are operated with carbides, they will leave 2-4” little stumps since they hammer the wood rather than cutting it.

4. Is a forestry mulcher the fastest way to clean up underbrush?

Forestry mulching is a highly efficient and economical way of cleaning up your timber, while leaving little debris.

5. How wet of an area can you mulch in?

You can operate in some moderate wet areas, but our skilled operators use their best judgement on every job. Even though these machines are on tracks, they are still 15,000 pounds, so if there is no root structure, they can sink.

6. What are the benefits of forestry mulching?

Forestry mulching offers a multitude of different benefits, including:

  • Forestry mulching is vital for fire mitigation and forest management.
  • Mulching retains soil moisture, reducing bushfire risks in moist environments.
  • Forestry mulching combats invasive species, promoting native plant growth.
  • Mulching suppresses weed growth and is an eco-friendly weed control method
  • Forest mulching is effective for maintaining fences and power lines and reducing hazards.
  • Mulching is highly beneficial for landscaping by reducing machinery use and promoting soil health.
  • Agriculture clears land, enriches soil, and reduces the need for artificial fertilizers.

Make your property dreams a reality with help from the pros at MotorCity Hot Shot Land Development. If you have any further questions, please contact us today!

Why MotorCity Hot Shot?

Commitment To Satisfaction

We’re happy when our customers are happy. That’s why we go above and beyond on every project, exceeding all expectations.

A One-Stop

From forestry mulching to land clearing to everything in between, we’re here to make your property dreams a stunning reality.

Free On-Site

No two properties are the same. The best way we can get a comprehensive understanding of your project is by walking the property with you.